Anglican Church of Southern Africa
with the chapelries of
St Francis, Brooklyn & St Luke’s, Joe Slovo
Lay Ministers assist the Clergy during services, take Communion to the housebound, assist with Bible / Confirmation classes as well as Baptism preparation. They receive training from time to time. If you are called to be part of this ministry, please contact the office – 021 551 8529
Altar Servers Guild
This group of young people form part of the procession and serve at the altar during the 09h00 Sunday Mass. Contact the office if you have an interest in being part of this youth ministry.
This is a group of laypersons who take care of all things in the sacristy (priest vestry) and who help prepare all things needed for the liturgy. If you are called to be part of this ministry, please contact the office – 021 551 8529
Members of the congregation may volunteer to read the lessons at the services. A roster is drawn up regularly.
For more info please contact the office – 021 551 8529
Our church has been blessed with a choir and if you enjoy singing, choir practice is held on a Thursday evenings at 19:00. The choir sings at the 9:00 Sunday Eucharist and major church festivals. They are a member of the Royal Schools of Church Music in South Africa, and take in part in associated events with other choirs. Similarly, they sing with visiting choirs here at St Oswald’s from time to time.
For more info contact the office – 021 551 8529.
Sunday School
Age – grouped classes take place every Sunday (except during the school holidays) during the course of the 09h00 Mass, in the Parish hall. During the distribution of communion, the children process into the church to share in the sacrament or for a blessing. The Sunday School Breakfast, Sunday School Nativity play and Party are regular events. For more info contact the office – 021 551 8529.
Confirmation Classes
The Confirmation course runs for 18 months. The first 9 months concentrates on Bible study and the second 9 months on a confirmation syllabus. The Bible study class, which is the first phase of confirmation, meets on Sundays from 18h00 – 19h15. Confirmation classes are also held on Sunday from 17h00 -18h30. Classes are in School term times only. The Confirmation course is for all minors in at least Grade 7 or who are 12 years of age. Adult Confirmation classes are also available when required at a time to be confirmed in the pew leaflet.
Welcome Team
The role of the Welcome Team is to make the initial contact with visitors, and ensure that they are welcome at St Oswald’s. They greet people as they arrive for the service, hand out pew leaflets, assist with the collection and make sure that totals of persons at services are kept. They will also supply newcomers’ forms when needed.
For more info contact the office – 021 551 8529.
Media Team
This is a team who manages the audio-visual component of services. Extra people are always needed and will be trained according to the particular set-up and requirements in the church. For more info contact the office – 021 551 8529.
We have flower arrangements regularly in the church for Sundays and special occasions. If you have a talent and would like to offer your skills please contact the Parish office 021 5518529.
Small Christian Communities (House Churches)
Groups of mainly parishioners meet usually once a week in someone’s home to study the bible or other relevant material. If you are interested in being part of such a group, please contact the Parish office 021 5518529.
Social Outreach
There are various groups which fall under this Ministry. The Wholeness Task Team focuses on making up food packs every month for the needy. Cash donations are very welcome and may be placed in a collection box at the back of the church. Food donations may also be brought to church on a Sunday or to the office during the week. Packs are made up on the last Saturday of each month at 08h30. The Pear Tree Project provides necessary items of toiletries and clothing for newborns and their mothers at clinics . There is also an ongoing project of knitting squares which are crocheted together to make Blankets for the needy. Old clothes are also collected for distribution to homes, schools, churches etc. There is also a Soup Kitchen which is dependent on donations and is being run from St Francis Chapel. We also provide support for various old-age homes in the area as well as the Cheshire Home nearby.
For more information please contact the office – 021 551 8529.
Sunday Teas
Sunday teas are served every Sunday of the month after the 9h00 Mass by different teams of parishioners.
For more info contact Parish office 021 5518529
Coffee Mornings
These are held for all parishioners and guests once a month, on the first Wednesday morning of each month, after the 09h30 Mass.
For more info contact the office – 021 551 8529
Fund Raising
Various fund raisers will take place during the year with the Annual St Oswald’s bazaar being held on the first Saturday in September. St Francis also have an annual Bazaar, usually in November.From time to time there are other events such as Dances, Karaoke evenings, Variety Shows, different Music Concerts, Parish Breakfasts, and Cake Sales
For more info please contact the office 021 551 8529